Beware that the 800 number for free support will result on a person with an endemic sales pressure trying to sell you a computer “maintenance” program for $169 for alleged problems.
iYogi :-\
Yes we know, that is why we encourage you to try this forum first. All we ask from you is a
Greetz, Red.
If you have personal experience of this, then you should report it.
- Adam Riley, riley (at) avast (dot) com Avast Third-party Support Manager, has requested info about iYogi, so if you have time to recount your experience (copy and paste your post, etc.), give the link to this topic.
I notice that paid users appear to get the same treatment -
FREE product users call +44 808-101-9216 | PAID product users call +44 808-101-9216
doesn’t sound commercially savvy to me to risk hacking off paying customers (but avast seem to be doing ok, so what do I know?)