Free trial fail???

Yesterday I got a pop up saying that I could try avast premium for free so I clicked on it, did everything it said but now it’s telling me i’m not protected and then redirects me to the shop and it’s wants money, I only wanted the free trial and now I can’t seem to get back to my old free Avast, can anyone help please?

Go to Programs and Features where you can click to uninstall Avast, you’ll be given the option the revert to free there.

Thanks for your reply but I can’t find that in Avast

It’s not in Avast, you have to uninstall Avast to get the option displayed.

Hi tymm,

Sorry about that. Note that if you already installed the trial once and let the 30 days expire, you cannot get a new trial period.

Anyhow, I prepared a trial license for your Avast Premier. I will send it to you by email.

Thanks mate got it now!

Hi Thanks for your reply!, yes I have already had a free trial a long while back, I thought this was something new and it didn’t say anything about if you’d had it before, I thought maybe it would fit my needs now as a lot has changed since i last tried it,Is it still ok if I have the trial again? and how would I go about it? as with the help of “CraigB” I have managed to get back my old free Avast

Thanks mate got it now!!

Sure thing! Feel free to insert the license I forwarded to you. If you have Avast installed just double-click in the license file and confirm it in the activation dialog.
Alternatively, you can go to Avast - Settings - Registration - Insert license file.


Thank You!!!