FREE until May 24th 2007

Click to enlarge

Magix Photo Clinic 5.5 FREE until 05-24-07.

Click on a photo to enlarge.

This is a commercial program definitely worth a look
if you work with photos.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

thnx bob ;D

Thanks Bob. :slight_smile: I still haven’t been able to find much of anything about the product itself – is this one of those cases where Google’s a better bet than their own site?

Hi, downloaded it earlier a lot easier than Paint Shop Pro… :slight_smile:

Maybe this will help?
Guess I’m not the only one to like it. :slight_smile:

Hi bob you know me anything for an easy life… lol

Get Computer Active sent every 2 weeks always on lookout for something free and easy lol

Where I would spend an hour trying to work out PSP I did it in 2 mins with that…fab program, havn’t tried out the red eye yet though… :slight_smile:

Great to see you back here, Suszannah!

Thank you Charley… a pleasure to be back :slight_smile:

welcome back from where-ever you’ve been SUSZANNAH :wink:

I’m sorry for possible my inconvenience, but if I download it, what will happen after May 24th (I mean isn’t it the same story as with :-\ ::slight_smile:

What will happen if you ‘don’t’ download it before the 24th is it won’t be free, but having downloaded it and installed it then it should be free for the duration you have it. If however, you come to upgrade it then I assume you would pay.

Many of these free products are used as a hook, you like it, a new version comes out and you upgrade, paying for the upgrade. Some offer a free copy of an earlier version and not the current version to hopefully get you to upgrade.

I would say it differs from the download of the in that this offer extends for much more than a day, but the principle is the same, a free application for a limited period.

Thanks bob,

when I find the time I will try it. Although I’m a fan of robust packages like Photoshop & such you never know when some little app can surprise you.

Well this little app is a 23.7MB download, not so small when you are using dial-up so I’ve had to give it a miss.

Hi David,
Some programs are worth the time even if you’re on dialup. IMHO, this is one of them. :slight_smile:

I was considering it as I have just ordered a new (1st one) digital camera (Panasonic DMC-TZ3 compact x10 optical zoom) I received it today so I may need something to tweak in the near future.

So I will probably need something a little more comprehensive than Irfanview ;D or MS Photo Editor ;D

I guess I can just about scrape that in my 2hr cut off period.

Hi David :slight_smile: You can try to use GIMP ( the Windows version is avaliable too), It was recomended to me by one of my good friends from Poland, I tried it, like it, & use it very often.
P.S. Sorry for possibe offtopic here ;D :-X

It took me a few days of limited online time (on dial-up) to download this one, but so far I think it was worth it. Definitely better than the very limited and outdated one I have been using. And I am very glad I heard about download managers.

I have actually tried the Gimp some time ago and whilst it is undoubtedly powerful, I didn’t like the interface, the way it spreads the different function windows all over the place, drove me to near insanity and I don’t believe they have changed that.

Well I have had two shots at downloading it using firefox default download, it ‘lost server connection’ both times once at 15.7MB the second at just over 1MB. I also tried Star Downloader and that to kept loosing the server connection. So it would appear that the server load is too great I wil try again earlier in the day.

Hi David,
Maybe you’ll have better luck getting it from MySharedFiles. ;D

I had the same problem as DavidR did with downloading. Thank you Bob, again :slight_smile: