While running my virus scan, program just suddenly turns my pc off. I am running Windows XP Pro. any suggestions.
Can you tell us a little about your system, CPU, RAM, Video Card, desktop/laptop, etc.
What do you mean by “program just suddenly turns my pc off” does it reboot, or crash to a black screen or perhaps a BSOD (can you expand) ?
What type of scan, boot-time, on-demand (Simple User Interface) scan ?
Are the fans of the computer working? Isn’t occurring overheat?
I am using desktop, AMD Athelon 64 3000 + . Viedo card is good, not over heating. I have noticed it only shuts down, dont crash, just relly turns pc off, dont reboot just turns off , only does this when screen saver does black.
If it shuts down it might be a PSU. Have you ever had any stability problems when stressing several components at a time? Maybe when playing demanding games or something similar?
No, nothing, I dont play games. I just open 1 program at a time. I had a stroke, I am typing with 1 hand, excusee my mistakes.
Like I said, my pc only shuts off when my screen saver turns my screen off.
Which screen saver do you use?
Is there any useful information into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events, specially ‘Errors’?
I’m an A+ certified technician…it sounds exactly like your power supply isnt getting enough juice to it…you might think about getting a new one in any case…DO NOT open that power supply up…bad things WILL happen! replace it, do not try to fix it!