Freeze on Boot

Could someone please look at this setup log and tell me if they see anything that could be causing any problems?

I’ll start at the beginning. On July 2, I started getting UPHClean errors in my logs about every three or four days. Around that time, I also installed SP3 and Outpost Firewall 2009. Can’t remember exactly when. At the same time as the UPHClean errors, the computer would start up but then freeze. When I clicked on something, nothing would work. A reboot solved the problem.

On Sept. 8, I realized I had installed SP3 without removing UPHClean first. I uninstalled UPHClean and then reinstalled SP3. Avast and Outpost were both disabled at the time. I did not put UPHClean back on and the errors were gone.

About three days after, I typed in my logon password, hit enter, and the screen froze. Reboot solved the problem. No errors in the event log.

I downloaded a fresh copy of Avast, uninstalled, ran the cleaner, and then installed again. Not getting any errors in the Avast log except one time when I had my internet disabled and it said it couldn’t connect. Outpost Firewall has the anti-spyware and the web control disabled. I cannot find any errors or anything blocked in the Outpost logs. I also have Avast services disabled from filtering in Outpost.

Today, XP froze after completely booting up. Mouse moves but cannot click on anything. Reboot solves the problem. No errors in the event log. Did not see any spike in CPU.

This is my startup log during the freezing.

13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 203 (maintenance:0)
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download901 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 internet Used server:
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-4b returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-4cd returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-4cd returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-8091300 returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 internet Used server:
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 file GetFileWithRetry: part-vps-8091300.vpu downloaded and verified
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package Part vps-8091300 was set to be installed
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package DeleteObsoletePackages: Removed part-vps-8091201.vpu
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-prg_av_pro-4cd.vpu’ returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8091300.vpu’ returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-4cd.vpu’ returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package IsFullOkay: jrog-4b.vpu - is okay
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 general Part of license key: ************
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 159 = 0
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 159 & 159 = 0
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package IsFullOkay: setup_av_pro-4cd.vpu - is okay
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package IsFullOkay: setif_av_pro-4cd.vpu - is okay
13.09.2008 17:14:34.000 1221340474 package IsFullOkay: vps-8091300.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8091300.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8091300.vpu - not okay (doesn’t exist)
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 package IsFullOkay: jrog-4b.vpu - is okay
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 internet Used server:
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 file GetFileWithRetry: vps-8091300-8091200.vpu downloaded and verified
13.09.2008 17:14:36.000 1221340476 package DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vps-8091300-8091200.vpu, returned 0x00000000
13.09.2008 17:14:39.000 1221340479 package PerformDiff: Ok
13.09.2008 17:15:23.000 1221340523 package DeleteObsoletePackages: Removed vps-8091200.vpu
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 internet Used server:
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 file GetFileWithRetry: vpsm-8091300.vpu downloaded and verified
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vpsm-8091300.vpu, returned 0x00000000
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package DeleteObsoletePackages: Removed vpsm-8091201.vpu
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package Transferred: files 5, bytes 76879, time 1843 ms
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 2
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package Submit: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 package Submit success: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 internet Sending stats ‘’: 00000000 204
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 file NeedReboot=false
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 general Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
13.09.2008 17:15:24.000 1221340524 general Stopped: 13.09.2008, 17:15:24

Avast 4 Pro 4.8.1229
Outpost FW 6.5.2358.316.0607
SuperAntiSpyware (on demand)

Snap, up to a point, my system doesn’t freeze on boot.

I have recently added the UPHClean to my new system (had it on my old system) as it takes longer to shut down than it takes to boot and recently I have noticed windows event viewer entries for a failed start

I had XP Pro SP3 (new installation) from the start and Outpost Pro 2009 (ver. 6.5.2358.316.0607) before installing UPHClean.

I have also started getting the screen freeze usually when browsing, mouse pointer moves, buttons don’t work and nor does the keyboard, this requires a Hard Power off restart. I also have another thing into the equation and that is a new Logitech LX6 mouse and I did find a google hit where this screen freeze et all was associated with that, but now you mention also having the UPHClean errors it could well be that that and SP3 don’t want to play.

Personally I don’t believe it has anything to do with avast as that really has been a constant for some considerable time. However it may be an advantage if you delay the update check until the boot has completely finished. I take it that you haven’t reinstalled UPHClean yet you still get the screen freeze on occasion ?

You need to edit (using notepad) the [InetWD] section of the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Data\avast4.ini file and add the following line (depending on your connection type enter one or other of the Bold lines below):
Dial-up connections, add this line: RASWaitSeconds=120
Broadband connections, add this line: AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120

[InetWD] AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 Or RASWaitSeconds=120
When complete save the changes, avast's self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.

The figure is seconds and the above equates to two minutes, you could try that and adjust upwards if required, 180, 240, etc.

Thanks for the reply DavidR.

I did not reinstall UPHClean because I wasn’t getting the userenv errors in the logs anymore. I was also told that UPHClean is a Microsoft administrative tool and should not have been running when installing SP3.

I have a Logitech WAVE keyboard and mouse but I don’t use the software with it.

I did forget to add the delay update check when I reinstalled Avast the last time. Thanks for reminding me. I’ll have to wait and see if that makes a difference in the next three days.

I recommend installing User Profile Hive Cleanup Service:

Validation required.

This speeded up Logoff, Reboot and Shutdown on my 3 XP SP3 systems.

I like Event Log Explorer™ for looking at event logs:

Even when the UPHClean did start the shutdown was no quicker at all. However on my old system there was a noticeable difference on shutdown and I had updated that to XP Pro SP3 also but no such problem.

So form me UPHClean was running when I installed SP3, which was done off-line outside of windows update, having got a friend with broadband to download the full SP3 (316MB) update.

Now we have that Logitech name mentioned in despatches, my mouse doesn’t have any logitech driver but uses the HID-compliant mouse drivers (mouclass.sys and mouhid.sys). I have been trying to get Logitech to send me the drivers as there is no way I’m trying to download 70MB of file just for a driver.