when opening for the first time avast in french, a licence key is asked with a link pointing to the english registration page.
where can i modify this link in order to pointe to the french registration page
thank you for your help
when opening for the first time avast in french, a licence key is asked with a link pointing to the english registration page.
where can i modify this link in order to pointe to the french registration page
thank you for your help
Isn’t the language of the system automatically detected and you’re redirected to the French site?
there is no redirection to the french registration page.
Is there a French registration page at all? Was it translated?
yes, it is http://www.avast.com/fr-fr/registration-free-antivirus.php
for all version.
So, a job for the webmasters or for the GUI designer.
Oh, just want to know which file must be modified.
The link is hardcoded in the program.
so, I will try to custome the /etc/hosts for the redirection.