frequent Avast 4.8 Home Vps updates

I may be paranoid since I just recovered from a snapsnet and anitspywaremaster infection…

Avast is set up to automatically update the virus database, and I see the message often, but it seems today, it’s been doing it very frequently. :o
The latest one (just a few minutes ago) was from version 080606-1 to 0807-0 from Five files.

Does this sound normal ???

You can rest assured…you have nothing to worry about. If you take notice of the update notice 080608-1
basically that stands for June 6 2008 -1…there was probably a 080608-0 before the -1…just another virus definition file was recognized for June the 6. You now have the latest definition file for June7 2008…080607-0.
Hope this helps :wink:

Oops ::slight_smile: my mistake…I meant 080606 stands for June 6 2008…not 080608… :o

There is no set schedule for the VPS updates as required they are released, avast checks for updates when you first connect to the internet and every 4 hours if you remain connected.

Whilst the frequency of the VPS updates has increased so there is virtually one or more per day there is no schedule, I have had as many as 4-5 in a day, but then it could go a day or two without one.