Fresh install stuck on emupdate

I’m trying to do a fresh install of Avast and it goes fine until the end and the installer just stops at step 2.
The progress is stuck at “launching executable file: AvastEmUpdate.exe /installer”

There are no UAC messages asking for admin rights, the installer just seems to be stuck.

If you have any other security software running on your system, check their logs to see if it is blocking the installer.

I don’t have anything like that running. Coincidentally, I just restarted and avast starts up normally but for some reason the right click scan is no longer working and it does not show up in the programs and features list either, so I ran avastclear in safe mode and tried a fresh install again and it got stuck at the same step.

EDIT: (SOLVED) It turned out to be something with my custom hosts file. I temporarily renamed it and the install went fine, though that makes me feel a bit uneasy security wise.

Cool beans! Glad you found it.

There have been issues reported with the MVPS hosts file.

Personally, I don’t use a custom hosts file, and have never been infected.

It is reasonable to feel uneasy about that.

But an Avast official has acknowledged it (in one of the pinned threads) and has said it will be fixed.
