friend with virus

I have a friend that has a virus on his machine,he running windows xp and norton antivirus.

after running a scan norton tells him he has the winbook32 virus

it will not clean it or fix it.he has also scanned it at kaspersky and is told the same thing.

any ideas ty Ronzoil

Hm, seems to be a “wrong” Virusname. What is the exact one?
But anyway he should be able to delete the Virus in Safemode, IMO he should use Kaspersky for that.

i think i had it backwards its bookwin32

It seems it’s again bad virus name (win32 should be prefix in this case), please try to find out the exact name.

i asked him at work last night and he told me that it comes up bookwin32

please scan again with avast, KAV & Trend-Scanners (see below) and tell us the full & exact VIRUSname and
the complete & exact path & filename + extension of the infected file:
separately for each scanner :wink:

Let him try what “who” suggested, or let him post here by himself! :slight_smile:

he told me it called backdoor winet

That seems to be a Norton/Symantec-Detection:;action=display;threadid=1085

If so:

Hi ,
I’m trhe friend with the virus. The full name is this is what Norton Antivirus warning tells me that I have. WHAT TO DO NOW?

Uh, if it is this one:
read the description carefully. Removing is a bit tricky for this one.

You can get some more infos here:

Hi shoreracing,

maybe you could decide on a name once and for all ? :wink:

“Backdoor.winet” or “” ??
(the 2nd one isn’t listed in Symantec)

→ then the Symantec-AV-Center will give you all the instructions you need…
or your just reread the postings above…
:wink: :wink: