from avast internet security to avast anti virus

I was using avast anti virus and when I want renew for a year ,avast give me a free 30 day of internet security ,I upgraded to free 30 day of internet security and after 30 there is “red X” appear on avast symbol near the clock.
now I want to back to avast anti virus ,I’m tried to do that but I couldn’t , how I can do that ?

sorry I’m not good in English
thanks a lot :slight_smile:

The best way to downgrade to Avast Free is to remove AIS with aswclear in safe mode and install Avast Free.


Avast Free: (select Avast Free)

thanks ,I’m doing this now :slight_smile:
but I think that there is a way without uninstalling the prog

You asked for the best way. :slight_smile: