I had two Virus Found warnings yesterday; as I understand it, Avast! found and removed the virus before the email came into the Inbox — there was no attachment — my question is: can the"win 32: Beagle-Z [Wrm]" be sent in an email without an attachment, or did Avast! prevent the attachment from coming into the Inbox?
I looked in the log file and saw that a “Sign of” the above virus was found in "C:\D… at the exact time the warning of a virus in an email occurred.
A scan showed the computer clean.
This was all repeated a little later.
Please help me to understand it. ???
Probably avast avoided the incoming of the attached file.
How is your Internet Mail provider configurated? I mean, in the Advanced tab, did you choose ‘Silent Mode’ and answer ‘No’? If you did it, the file ‘could’ be at the Chest.
"C:\D… probably means “C:\Documents and Settings…” and your personal temporary folder. If, after the scan you’re clean, don’t worry: avast! did its job ;D
Hi Technical, I am not worried; I am trying to learn —
(Should I check the first entry?)
Well, it’s strange because avast is not automated…
Are you sure you do not answer the question to ‘repair/delete/send to chest etc.’ that appears in your screen? Well, did it appear? ;D
Do you have any ‘infected’ file in your Chest?

Well, it’s strange because avast is not automated…
Are you sure you do not answer the question to ‘repair/delete/send to chest etc.’ that appears in your screen? Well, did it appear? ;D
Do you have any ‘infected’ file in your Chest?
Yes, I clicked “Send to chest” the first time and “Delete” the second time.
I think this chest looks strange — what do you think?
In my opinion, all files could be deleted:
A0023369.dll was at system restore folder. If you disable System Restore and, after, enable it again, you would delete that file as this operation delete all restore points stored in your system.
delupdat.exe and imscan.dll seem to be malwares.
Info.cpl was on a temporary folder…
pav.sig files belong to Panda antivirus (on-line probably). Panda does not encrypt their signatures
sui.exe and wupdater.exe seem to be malwares as the two above and all related togheter : Maybe you tried to install some ad or spy program or visit its site
OK, Technical,
I was cofused by the dates shown, but I hadn’t looked at the whole thing; I am posting the rest of it because it clears it up for me and might for someone else.
I’ll try again!
There is nothing there from yesterday —? ???
Take another look. There is one entry dated 9-12-04.
Hi Bob,
So it is!
I expected it to be at the top, not hidden in the middle!
Well, they are all gone, now! 8)