From the looks of this someone changed/something worse my plz

Here are the last 3 or so of 24 pages of “setupact.log” that I stumbled across today after having been off my laptop for a couple days. I should be the only one able to make changes. The terms like “impersonator” “on destroy private data” and “using Win 7 service configuration” causes me great concern since my software engineer ex set up my home network. But then again maybe I’m overreacting. I appreciate any tips to help me gain knowledge and protect my privacy. BTW my Avast icon is not spinning and nothing happens when I right or left click it and the same with the secure line. Thanks. yes i’m this stupid. ;D

setupact . log
[07/12/2015 15 : 29.27.634] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully.
[07/12/2015 15:29.27.689] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
[07/12/2015 15:29.28.458] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[MTP . NT .Wdf]
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 .491] WudfColnstal ler: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
instal led - removing existing setti ngs in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 507] WudfCol nstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 523] WudfCol nstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 538] WudfCol nstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Service WudfSvc is already
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Final status : error(0) The
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 .601] WudfCol nstal ler: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 .Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 637] WudfCol nstal ler: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[MTP . NT . Wdf]
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 653] WudfCol nstal ler: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
instal led - removing existing setti ngs i n preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 653] WudfCol nstal ler: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: Impersonationlevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: Using "Win7’’ service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 .684] WudfCol nstal ler: Service WudfSvc is already r unning.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 .684] WudfCol nstal ler: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
Page 21
[07/12/2015 15:29.29.759] WudfColnstaller : Created marker file
C: \WINDOWS\system32\dri vers\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 .Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.035] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.154] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.157] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.157] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set t o 2
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc i s already running.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.189] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.551] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dri ver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 . Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.153] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSecti on
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.265] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver i s already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones .
[07/12/2015 15: 29. 31. 265] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.281] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15: 29 . 31. 281] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15: 29 . 31. 281] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.297] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc i s already running.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.328] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
Page 22
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.625] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C: \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00. Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.053] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.068] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.100] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc is already
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.100] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.683] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00. Wdf.
AudMig: RegOpenKeyEx can’t open audioendpointbuilder Upgrade key with Hresult
0x80070002. Most likely not an upgradeWdfColnstaller: [07/12/2015 18:24.10. 874]
ReadComponents: WdfSecti on for Driver Service inetmon using KMDF lib version Major
1, minor 11
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.142] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.158] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdFs is already installed

  • removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.189] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdFs .
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.189] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.220] WudfColnstaller: Using "Win7 ‘’ service configuration
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.236] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc is already running.
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.283] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
    completed successfully .
    Page 23
    [07/12/2015 18:35.41.736] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
    C: \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00. Wdf.
    AudMig: RegOpenKeyEx can’t open audioendpointbuilder Upgrade key with Hresult
    0x80070002. Most likely not an upgradeWdfColnstaller: [07/14/2015 14:00.09.048]
    ReadComponents: WdfSection for Driver Service inetmon using KMDF lib version Major
    1, minor 11
    Page 24
I should be the only one able to make changes.
No, you are not. There is also Windows Update ;) Filetype wdf = Windows Driver Foundation
BTW my Avast icon is not spinning and nothing happens when I right or left click it and the same with the secure line.
It only spins if avast is scanning something, unless you have the animation disabled. Left click should open avast, right click should bring up a (small) menu. If really nothing happens, I suggest to perform a repair of avast and see if it changes things. If not perform a clean installation of the latest avast version.