Here are the last 3 or so of 24 pages of “setupact.log” that I stumbled across today after having been off my laptop for a couple days. I should be the only one able to make changes. The terms like “impersonator” “on destroy private data” and “using Win 7 service configuration” causes me great concern since my software engineer ex set up my home network. But then again maybe I’m overreacting. I appreciate any tips to help me gain knowledge and protect my privacy. BTW my Avast icon is not spinning and nothing happens when I right or left click it and the same with the secure line. Thanks. yes i’m this stupid. ;D
setupact . log
[07/12/2015 15 : 29.27.634] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully.
[07/12/2015 15:29.27.689] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
[07/12/2015 15:29.28.458] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[MTP . NT .Wdf]
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 .491] WudfColnstal ler: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
instal led - removing existing setti ngs in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 507] WudfCol nstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 523] WudfCol nstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 538] WudfCol nstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Service WudfSvc is already
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 . 554] WudfCol nstaller: Final status : error(0) The
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 28 .601] WudfCol nstal ler: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 .Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 637] WudfCol nstal ler: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[MTP . NT . Wdf]
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 653] WudfCol nstal ler: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
instal led - removing existing setti ngs i n preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 653] WudfCol nstal ler: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: Impersonationlevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 . 669] WudfCol nstal ler: Using "Win7’’ service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 .684] WudfCol nstal ler: Service WudfSvc is already r unning.
[07/12/2015 15:29 . 29 .684] WudfCol nstal ler: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
Page 21
[07/12/2015 15:29.29.759] WudfColnstaller : Created marker file
C: \WINDOWS\system32\dri vers\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 .Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.035] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.154] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.157] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.157] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set t o 2
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.173] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc i s already running.
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.189] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29.30.551] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dri ver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00 . Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.153] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSecti on
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.265] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver i s already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones .
[07/12/2015 15: 29. 31. 265] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.281] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15: 29 . 31. 281] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15: 29 . 31. 281] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.297] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc i s already running.
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.328] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
Page 22
[07/12/2015 15:29.31.625] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C: \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00. Wdf.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.053] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.068] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver is already
installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdMtpDriver.
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: KernelModeClientPolicy set to 1
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.084] WudfColnstaller: Using “Win7” service configuration
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.100] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc is already
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.100] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The
completed successfully .
[07/12/2015 15:29.32.683] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver s\Msft_User_WpdMtpDr_01_11_00. Wdf.
AudMig: RegOpenKeyEx can’t open audioendpointbuilder Upgrade key with Hresult
0x80070002. Most likely not an upgradeWdfColnstaller: [07/12/2015 18:24.10. 874]
ReadComponents: WdfSecti on for Driver Service inetmon using KMDF lib version Major
1, minor 11
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.142] WudfColnstaller: ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.158] WudfColnstaller: UMDF Service WpdFs is already installed
- removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones.
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.189] WudfColnstaller: Configuring UMDF Service WpdFs .
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.189] WudfColnstaller: ImpersonationLevel set to 2
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.220] WudfColnstaller: Using "Win7 ‘’ service configuration
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.236] WudfColnstaller: Service WudfSvc is already running.
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.283] WudfColnstaller: Final status: error(0) The operation
completed successfully .
Page 23
[07/12/2015 18:35.41.736] WudfColnstaller: Created marker file
C: \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00. Wdf.
AudMig: RegOpenKeyEx can’t open audioendpointbuilder Upgrade key with Hresult
0x80070002. Most likely not an upgradeWdfColnstaller: [07/14/2015 14:00.09.048]
ReadComponents: WdfSection for Driver Service inetmon using KMDF lib version Major
1, minor 11
Page 24