I’ve been using Avast now for years and it’s so “automatic” I’m afraid I haven’t had much to complain about or work on. I have about 30 installations on other peoples computers (im THAT guy, the one everybody calls when their box goes belly-up) and one installation of v4 home on an HP running Vista keeps showing the user URL CHECKING FLAGS that pop up over the system tray icon. Each time a web page is accessed, the (Web Shield?) apparently checks every URL on the page and pops up each of these URL’s in “flag boxes.” It’s driving HIM crazy and he’s doing the same to me.
I can’t find anything on it on the support boards, and I’ve been looking, but it’s probably nomenclature… don’t know what the right term is. I have tried backing down the security level on WEB SHIELD but that didn’t do a thing. I’ve also looked extensively through the preferences section and again, either I don’t know the correct term for it or it’s not controlled from there.
Are you sure that this is an avast URL Blocking, a screenshot
Have you tried terminating the web shield and does that have any effect ?
If there are no URLs in the URL Blocking section of the Web Shield (have you checked) then it shouldn’t be blocking.
If you can give some examples of the URLs blocked ?
Do they have any Hosts file tools to block malicious sites, etc. ?
I would recommend that you remove the email unless you are partial to spam. The default Profile settings should notify you of replies to topics you create or contribute to (unless you have tweaked that). Besides that personal one to one only helps one person.
I was able to duplicate the “problem” on my own computer with this, and thank you for the screen shot as well… Although I don’t understand German / Austrian (?) I was able, with your explaination to find the URL flag notifications, and you were right on my friend!
again thank you all very much for the help, and “Ted” thanks you as well…
He was driving us BOTH crazy!
A better description with screen shots and the "cure"for this pesky NOMENCLATURE problem.
(Please click attachment 1, “Flag-message.jpg”) These are the “flags” that would pop up, sometimes half a dozen of them, across the screen but originating over the Avast tray icon, whenever a web page was accessed. NOW I rightly know they are called “Detailed info on performed action” rather than what the flags themselves show in their header, which is; “Avast! On-Access Scanner Message”
Which of course does NOT appear in this dialog…as such. I also neglected to put this flag header in my frist post, my apologies.
(Please click attachment 2, “Final.jp” )
Corrective actions;
Start “On acccess Protection control” by double-clicking the “A” tray icon
Click the Web Shield icon on the left to view settings
Click the “Customize” button. The dialog box appears.
UNCHECK “Show detailed info on performed action” (Yeah, NO “scanner message” reference)
CLick OK to exit the resident task settings dialog box.
Click OK on the “On Access Scanner” settings dialog box.
The ‘Show detailed info on performed action’ is disabled by default so it looks like your friend has been tweaking the settings without knowing what the effect would be ?
My guess would be your friend has tweaked the settings as the Silent mode is also off by default. So it looks like your friends frustration is/was self inflicted ???
This setting is also in the Internet Mail and Standard Shield providers (same location, appropriate provider, customize, advanced), those should also be unchecked by default, worth checking though.
Yup, you’re right Dave… THIS IS that guy! I made the mistake of telling him that “exploring” would never make his computer “explode” and he has been playing with EVERYTHING ever since! I owe him a spanking (or twelve) then… but he’s 67, so I have to take it easy on him I guess!
He got frustrated with the messages and so his answer was to…DISABLE AVAST… FOR DAYS… Dear God in heaven, just take me now!!! Got several virus’s as a result of course, but Avast being the Sherman Tank it is, I caught and cleaned them all (worms & Trojans) by having him scedule a boot time scan and talking himn through it.
btw, thx for your guess, though it wasn’t URL blocking per se that was the problem… again my fault. He’s doing this over the phone, (we now have to pay REAL MONEY for gas here in the USA! lol) so when I asked him what these “flags” message headers said he couldn’t tell me… they pop up and then dissapear too quickly for his ol’ eyes to catch it.
Nope, forget the bycicle, we need Anti Gravity… Why haven’t the people at Area 51 reverse-engineered that yet? They’ve had about sixty years… damn government workers!
btw, if anyone has the time for a non sequitur newbie Q, how do I get the nifty little National Flag to come up, or is that something “newbies” like me have to earn? I put “USA” in the location text box in my profile… and I’m not feelin’ the love, my peeps.