How I make to send samples for if is demanded logon ?
The preferred way for sumbitting samples is e-mail (or sending from chest). Although, you can use Alwil FTP server as a second way to transfer only big files.
Just upload them to (please, note that you won’t have READ access to the ftp server, just write - so you won’t even be able to see what you’ve just uploaded). You don’t need to login…
Note that uploading the files to FTP, without additional contact, is not a good idea. The FTP is not monitored - so unless we are expecting some files, we won’t really see them. Besides, finding a folder of randomly-names files on FTP doesn’t really say much about them. If we detect it - is it a false positive or something that we added recently? If not - is it a false positive that was already fixed? Is it a virus sample? Is it just some random file some warez guys tried to upload to the FTP? So, please, don’t upload the files to the ftp unless asked to do so (or unless it’s arranged in advance).
does it still working? or its just email, avast chest or the website.?
This is a very old topic over 5 years old and not really a good idea to resurrect dead topics.
But, Yes it is still there, however as Tech said it isn’t the preferred way of submitting samples.
Essentially it is there for submission of larger files such as dump files for analysis and then generally only after being advised to do so on the forums. Otherwise it could be unexpected and sit unnoticed for some time.
So the email submission (virus (at) avast (dot) com), from the virus chest or the for Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Undetected Malware, amongst other things in the Subject/topic field.