FTP is blocked by firewall - how to make a rule

After using Avast for many years, I have finally applied the Firewall on my Avast Premium.

Very good, but it is blocking my ftp connection to ip number (I connect with TotalCommander).

I have tried to read this manual: http://www.avast.com/da-dk/faq.php?article=AVKB25
and understand that I have to make a “Friends” but what is the From ip number (I have tried both my public ip number and the internal ip nr)

:slight_smile: Jesper

Check the firewall log to see if it it blocking the connection to or from that IP.
There is a difference between them.

For the “to” part you will need to have port 21 open.
For the "from"part it depends on the ftp server settings.

Hi Eddy
Thanks for your fast reply.
In the firewall log I can see the following blocked trafic
Remote address, remote port 20, local address, local port 52660, protocol TCP, Direction in, program: …Totalcommander.exe.

I have made a “Friends” rule. From to
In “Application Rules” i have found the program "total Commander and have set “Allowed connections” to "All connections, and set both Out and inbound ports to all.

But I still have the same errors in the log??

What to do?

/Jesper DK
PS in the “Network connections” I can see a connection to, but to Remote port 21? port 21 is the outbound.
This will allow you to contact the ftp server.

Now you need to find out what port need to be allowed for inbound so the server can reaches you.

  • Clear the logfile
  • Try to connect to the ftp server
  • Check the log file if something is blocked and if so what is blocked.
    This should tell you the inbound port.

This is for FileZilla, but may help you to understand things:

Hi Eddy

I have now found that my problem is due to error in TotalCommander.
When I set the FTP connection to “Passive” in Totalcommander then every thing is fine

Thanks for you help.

/Jesper DK

I also use Total Commander and have my connection set to active and have no problem with it.