full member

Hi must be doing something right just noticed been made a full member, soon be there with the top ones, I should be so lucky ;D ;D ;D.

Congrats, way to go. :slight_smile:

thanks for that have to work harder ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Yeah, just takes time, but you will get there. Have patience, that day will come. :slight_smile:

Hi thedon57 ;D

Congratulations ;D

Just in case you don’t know: I noticed thas thing >
When you have under 20 post you are Newbie,
when you have between 20 and 100 posts you are Jr. member,
when you have between 100 and 200 posts you are full member,
between 200 and 300 posts you are Sr. Member
and from 300 post and more you are avast! Evangelist :wink: ;D

Hi :x:m:a:s: thanks I did not realise how it worked good idea, have you read the latest one from bob on petrol prices draining my piggybank, I laughed so much I fell of the chair then laughed so much I ended up with tears running down my face. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes I read that and I was

like you said ;D

I was excited not to be just a newbie anymore!!!
8) 8)

Yes great feeling ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D