full virus scan stuck at 100% and the see details page is blank

I conducted a full virus scan and after the bar reached 100% it was stuck and there was only a blank page in the see details page. I am able to stop the scan by restarting the computer. After that I checked the scan history, and it told me that “some files cannot be scanned”. I attempted a second scan and the same thing happened. Should I be concerned? Is it caused by malware? How do you check which file cannot be checked? I have only seen 1 post about this, and it is without any comment.

  1. Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.

Many programs (usually security based ones) password protect their files for legitimate reasons, there are others (and avast doesn’t know the password or have any way of using it even if it did know it).

  1. By examining 1) the file name, 2) reason given by avast! for not being able to scan the files, 3) the location of the files, you can get an idea of what program they relate to. You may need to expand the column headings to see all the text.

If you can give some examples of those file names, the locations and reason given why it can’t be scanned might help us further ?

Though I suspect given the problem you won’t be able to access this information.

I recall there has been a recent topic related to this issue with on-demand scans, this since the latest program update, but I can’t find it or recent/similar.

Yea, sadly I do not know the file names. But I’m mainly concerned about the fact that the full virus scan is stuck and I cannot view the report (blank screen). Is there any reason that leads to this?

Also, I have seen other people viewing a list of their unscanned file which I cannot find. Where can I find them?

Thanks in advance!

Try this location, C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\report, no guarantee if this would be there if it didn’t fully complete.

See attached image, click to expand.

I tried the method you suggested and found the unscanned files! Apparently it’s just some python and Microsoft files. However, I do find something that is not usual, like the total folder scanned being 1 and this error (42011) for no reason.
I checked the error code and it seems that the operation was stopped, but I did not stop it manually of course.
Is there any way to fix this and should I be concerned?

Thanks for your help!

I will deal with your last question first.

As I said in my first reply:
Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.

It is almost impossible to say without knowing what the files are and the operation could be stopped by either the OS (protected file/location, etc.) or by Avast itself. If the operation wasn’t stopped then the scan would essentially still be running.