Function SuperCopyFile() has failed. Return code is 00000020

I keep getting this error in my email log from our server. Function SuperCopyFile() has failed. Return code is 00000020 What is this I show no problems with the software and I was able to update it from the server. Help

If you search the board for 00000020 keyword, won’t it help? ??? ::slight_smile:

Yes and i find nothing

When does this error appear? I mean, is there a new entry for each e-mail, or it shows up on startup of the program…
Is there any more information in the log?

This occurs when updating process tries to overwrite older version of setiface.dll with the newer one. In such case, the old version should be unloaded, but since it takes some time, SuperCopyFile waits for a while and tries again.

Error 0x20 means that the file is still locked by some other process. I think that rebooting and manual program update should fix this.