Hi there, I would like to say that this application beats competators hands down and I think will greatly assist in drawing in more users to this already awesome antivirus.
I have a few idea’s and suggestions that I hope / wish would be implemented into AVAST future editions.
1.) The CC ALL function is missing a vital step , which is outgoing SMS messages.
2.) The AutoGPS On function alerts the user through the displaying of the ‘GPS’ Activated icon when user scrolls down from top of phone. And I don’t think that it Auto-Turns-Its-Self-off after location acquired.
Would be good if the Icon did-NOT Activate during the acquisition of the phones location , and/or queried the phone as to weather it was already on prior to retrieval of the location.
3.) The way in which the location is retrieved / displayed on HOST PHONE. Iam not entirely sure how this works but assume that the information is only shared between HOST (myself) and Server (My Phone)… or is it also shared with (Middle-Man) you?.. Would be great however if the map etc could be opened through for example the GoogleMaps Application instead of via the Avast Website? Also google_maps has a great feature where you can enter consecutive locations xx.xxxx,xx.xxxx (long/lat) and it allows these coordinates to ALL be displayed , plotting a path of where my phone is going.
Another annoying thing I have found is ‘QUERY TIMEOUTS’ and ‘QUERY CANCELED’ texts… This could be caused by the person turning off GPS - to being underneath a lead roof etc. These messages could be perhaps annulled and saved to .log on phone for retrieval via other cmd. Instead perhaps it could just re Acquire the Location and only send once some-location has been discovered. Perhaps it could email all details including the above errors once coverage/signal strenthens?.. not sure.
Also… The accuracy fo the location , perhaps we could preset a threshold for this for example <20 meters… anything >20 meters would be saved to .log file. if any of the above errors occur , wait 1-2 mins and re-query location , loop until thresh-hold/location is found before sending … perhaps 1 sms message could be sent to notify that signal/coverage is obscured.
4.) The Need to use the password as a token to exchange cmds between client and server. I think it would be better to have a universal token (preferably self assigned) like “!@vst locate” Instead of “ locate” for obvious reasons… ie; password is sent unencrypted over network… etc.
This could be coupled with the Friends Numbers installed on the Device and only used by these assigned numbers if selected in settings to use only friends numbers. However a password could be used in-case of non-friends host phones… as a backup .
5.) The Ability to take remote Pictures/Audio/Video … This I think would be a great addition to AntiThefts already existing infrastructure. and could be perhaps setup like so.
cmd: !@vst audio 30
des: saves and records to phone/sd card 30secs of audio.
action: sends via email to email_address
post: deletes files from phone/Optionally saves to phone for later recovery (file_name&location spoofed)
pre: waits for phone to be in use, does not blank screen, no sounds, nothing. (Appears Normal to User)
cmd: !@vst pic 5 front or !@vst pic 5 back
des: takes 5 pictures using front/back camera android 2.2+
action: sends pictures as email to email_address
post: deletes files from phone/Optionally saves to phone for later recovery (file_name&location spoofed)
pre: waits for phone to be in use, does not blank screen, no sounds, nothing. (Appears Normal to User)
cmd: !@vst vid 30 front or !@vst vid 30 back
des: takes 30 second video using front/back camera Android 2.2+
action: sends video clip as email to email_address
post: deletes files from phone/Optionally saves to phone for later recovery (file_name&location spoofed)
Next the SMS system;
Although quite good I think it would be better to have alot of the details sent via email…
using either wifi/data would be great.
Some Changes to cmds;
cmd: !@vst email SMS (dd/mm/yy) … (not for SMS retrieval because of QTY)
action: email all in/out SMS messages from to email_address
- same with calls , !@vst email CALLS (dd/mm/yy) or !@vst get CALLS (for SMS retrieval)
action: email/sms all CALLS in/out to email_address
cmd: !@vst email SMS or !@vst get SMS
action: email/sms last SMS in/out to email_address
- same with calls , !@vst email CALLS or !@vst get CALLS
action: email/sms last CALLS in/out to email_address
I think this about covers it.
Thank you for your time.