Hello , this site isn’t what I thought to find coming here , nobody is serious (just twinheadedEagle (essexboy & Magna too) ( that I really appreciate )), everyone can post what he wants , It doesn’t matter , I don’t think it’s good )
just to say I won’t help here someone who needs help if the forum never changes its rules ! it looks like a funny forum
G3n, while I can see were you are comng from about the rules, I do not agree about the seriousness of the removers. There are only a few people I don’t see active anymore, That’d be Jeffce and Oldman. (Mach doesn’t really count since he’s in training still.
On the other hand everyone here volunteers. We are not paid, and most people here have a life outside malware testing, removal etc.
You say we aren’t serious, but couldn’t that apply to you as well? You boldly stated in front of someone that they were practically an idiot, which resulted in them being pissed and you raging, leaving me as the translator to attempt to help and solve issues that he had. (Thanks Magna for helping me!). Not only that you were advertising your product to the OP.
So, really, what you just said also applies to you, I hardly see you online (Which could just be different time zones.)
You have conflicting info. I’m not attempting to be a jackass, but, still advertising products on a volunteer Anti-Virus website isn’t all that good of an idea.
The one thing to bear in mind, this is a support forum and not a dedicated malware removal/technical site. Hence the rule will be different and more free flowing
You need to adapt to the forum behaviour that is prevalent rather than try to force it to what you would like
Not enough nameserver information was found to test the zone www.sosvirus.net, but an IP address lookup succeeded in spite of that.
the site is just known for 3 months (it’s an official site and the sites you redirected me don’t know this site, how can they say “it’s bad” ? ^^ how can you/we be sure that’s a s**t website unless you decided it ?
Extremely true. You cannot force a site that been up for over a decade to just change. It is unrealistic, to change a site would take a very long time.
the site is just known for 3 months (it's an official site and the sites you redirected me don't know this site, how can they say "it's bad" ?
All scans of "your" website show it is malicious/blacklisted. It doesn't matter how long the site is online. You should remove the malicious code from it.
From what I understand, those sites find him Suspicious eddy. He’s one 1 blacklist from what I can tell… However, as a Anti-USB Worm site, your safety score should not be in the high fifties. More like 85+