Gadget won't close!

Every time I close the Avast! gadget and log out and back in it reappears, which is NOT what I want as I don’t like it there. None of the other gadgets I have do this so can anyone please offer a suggestion to get rid of it? I don’t understand why it’s doing this…

I too would like the fix. It’s there again when I reboot. Very intrusive. It’s insisting that I should use auto-updating.


Only way to get rid of it’s behavior is to uninstall the gadget from Programs and Features - Avast - Change. Uncheck the gadget, and let it configure to uninstall it.

There’s no way to disable the gadget properly, ridiculous as it is. Needs a little better coding done to it before it should have been included like this in the final release.

You can see the dozens of other threads on the same thing here.

There’s my thread on it -

Dave, it seems that you jump in to every thread that discusses this bug - your at least 8 last posts are all about this particular issue. I don’t think that’s necessary.

Maybe you don’t realize that the problem isn’t happening on most systems - for example, on the two Win7 computers I have here, closing the gadget does the trick (and the gadget doesn’t reappear after reboot).

That said, we’re looking into the issue but will fix it in the next program update.
