Game automatically crashes when Avast is on

Just now, I found that when the Avast is on, some of the games cannot be opened.

More specifically, Game can run and the process can be found in the Task Manager. Nevertheless, it will disappear without a reason. The problem can be resolved by disabling Avast.

When I say the game in this post, I am specifically referring to the Dragon Age 3, a game sold on Origin.

Please see this post, who encountered the same problem.

You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here:

Hi Xinyang,
If it is a crash can you upload a dump file ?
You can try to create a dump via
procdump -e -x c:\dumps
(c:\dumps - path to folder where you want to save all dumps)

or can you try to create a procmon log to capture startup of Dragon Age process ?

  1. download and run as admin
  2. Start the game + wait for failure
  3. Save procmon log (Menu → File → Save…-> All events checkbox, Native procmon format)

Zip all files as and upload into
Thank you for report !