Game incompatibility ruins screen settings on Vista...

Hi you old windows95 game compatibility experts,

Tried to make this old Win98 game compatible to play on a Vista laptop, screen is set to 1440 x 800 pixels for 32 bits colors. The game screen is larger as the standard screen, when played the screen may reduce to part of the screen, then the game crashes and blows up and loses the screen resolution settings wjich have to be reset via configuration screen. The game is kurka.ex-, has no virus: htxp://
I will try to set it for Win95 compatibilty but still the play screen outmeasures the computer screen. How can I work towards a better compatibility so my little nephew can play the game he likes so much in the right screen settings on the laptop?
See: htxp://
See: htxp://
Here I get “This application has failed to start because Vcl40.bpl was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.” System process errors are mainly due to problems with conflicting applications and the safest way to stop these errors is to uninstall the application. Could there be a
Self-Register: C:\Windows\System32\fsgscom.dll conflict?
