Modified since the above was edited.
i know charleyO i was just chatting with him…thanks…changing it now
Kinda pricey for a game system. $600 :o
The games are likely to be pricey too because of the Blu-Ray drives that they have hence the high cost of the ps3 console, the Blu-Ray media is much more expensive than CD or DVD. Not going to effect me though, not a gamer and even if I was my boycott of any Sony product is still very much in force.
Not gonna get it either Davidr…like some games(mostly the older arcade type games)but can’t see any reason to pay @$600.00 for a unit that in a year or so down the road will sell for $299.00 or less like they always do :o
Why the boycott on sony products if you don’t mind me asking Davidr ???
The Sony Rootkit fiasco, treating every customer as a potential thief/pirate, trust cuts both ways, Sony obviously don’t trust us. Why should we trust them and the majority of all this Blu-Ray delay, etc. is all about DRM.
Understand what you are doing Davidr :o
Doesn’t seem right what they are doing but Sony is Sony and we are the little people that has to put up with the “BS”
But it is us little people that buy their products and if we don’t buy their products they(Sony)or whomever it is will not exist anymore :
What goes around comes around-am i right ??? ???
Have a good UK one my friend
$600 is just too much for a box that only plays games
It doesn’t just play games, it is a Blu-Ray player (they run at about $1000 USD here in the US right now). A DVD player, and it also plays games, so Sony actually loses money on each console sold.
Doesn’t really matter I’m not getting it, I’m going to get the Nintendo Wii.