General advice for Windows 7

Dear Forum,

Can anybody provide tips for improving the security of Windows 7 Home Premium?

For example, adjusting certain settings (eg. turning off file sharing) for features which some people may not use.

Thank you in advance!

Best wishes,


lol… wow u uve placed a question good enough to fill 100 Books


  • Win 7 Firewall + optional router firewall
  • antivirus programm like AVAST
  • move profiles look here
  • use different account to access the net ( dont use the ADMIN account )
  • seperate system files (C:); programms(D:) and Data (E:)
  • BackUp ur system (C:) and programm files (D:) if they have changed… BackUp ur DATA daily respective if they have changed

mfg Hellsbells

Avast, MBAM, SAS and a good firewall. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the tips!

I run MBAM, Avast, Windows firewall, router firewall, and backup my files.

Will have to look into shifting profiles. It looks a little risky as it can create problems with some installed programmes!

Are there other common tips like disabling file sharing, auto start etc.?



You’re already running a tight ship.
Why are you trolling for possible problems ???

I have never used Windows 7 before. Therefore, I asked for help from users with experienced, and they kindly answered my request.

To those who provided contributions, THANK YOU AGAIN! :slight_smile:

Firefox with NoScript will be another good additions. :slight_smile:

He’s already using it…!! :wink: