general slowdown

for a will now, avast is making my computer very slow. I mean when starting internet it takes a couple of seconds before the window itself opens. In the mean time the avast icon is spinning. What can i do to make it faster again?
I’m using xp on a amd 650mhz. Since a couple of updates is getting slower…

Of course it takes little bit longer now… if you have Web Shield, Network Shield and Script Blocking providers in avast! active, they need some time to start. Anyway, here on my system, it’s almost unnoticeable… Believe me, it’s worth of waiting, because you are protected pretty good if you leave them enabled.

AMD 650mhz is not quite fast processor. I mean, it’s still good, but not Hi-end… also, what’s the type of your internet connection ? What’s the version of avast! ?

i have a cable connection, normally fast. I never have problems with a virus or something. My version of avast is 4.6 home ofcourse

As I said before, it’s normal that those things will run little slower than usual. All those providers have to use some time to check on things… if you have 20 providers enabled in the same time, of course it will take even longer. I’m just saying that, of course, we don’t have 20 providers, but I wrote that just as an example…

Actually, cable connection, dial-up, ADSL, DSL… doesn’t really matter much when it comes to this matter. Providers need some time to check what needs to be checked. I am on ADSL very fast connection, and also see slight decrease in speed, but nothing that I should be worried about…

Cheers !

P.S. You can disable those providers to speed up your browsing, but that’s not quite clever thing to do… you want to be protected as good as possible, right ? So, better leave them on.

The connection in this case makes little difference previously your web pages that went to your browser cache weren’t scanned, so any potential infection was on your HDD before Standard Shield had a chance to scan it (so no potential delay in download).

Now however, with the new Web Shield provider scaning web pages being downloaded, there will be a CPU load whilst web shield scans those pages (a minimal slowdown will probably occure). The scan is done at high priority so the CPU load will increase, with a relatively slow processor you are more likely to notice this than someone with a faster processor.

I barely notice any slowdown, I have a slightly faster processor but I’m also on dial-up, so my download speed gives ample time for any web shield scan before the next page/image/data item is downloading.