Generic Host Process for Win32

Sometimes I get an error saying that generic host process for win32 has encountered a problem and needs to close after which the system shuts down.I have tried to close ports 135 and 445 but the problem still exists.Can anyone help me?

We will need a lot of more info to help you…
Maybe you can search the Windows Events near to the time you shutdown and check if anything is logged there.
Which is your operational system? Other security programs?

I run Windows XP SP2 and have Guardian Antivirus installed.

First of all, this is avast forum not guardian antivirus forum. (btw, i never heard of that, be sure it’s not a rogue…) Second, closing port 135 and 445 is not that easy, but not impossible. Third and most important: updated your xp to sp3 asap.

Guardian Antivirus is a part of Quickheal Antivirus.I closed ports 135 and 445 with Windows Worms Door Cleaner.

Again, before digging deeper - update your XP to SP3!!!