Getting desperate...On-access question

Sorry, but after waiting 2 full weeks on a reply via mail support, finally they replied. (offcourse its vacation for everybody, but then again…)

But they didn’t answered my question completely (I guess they did not read the full mail)

So my last try, before killing myself :-[ is posting it in the forums. I already searched the forum, but didn’t really found a CLEAR answer.

Here I go (again),

If it put a “*” (without ") into > resident shield > scanner advanced > scan files on open > scan files with these extension > *

Does this mean it will really scan ALL files? Like i want it to do.

System slowdown is NO problem

Or do i have to put in . or . or . or just a simple * ?

I use * now, but I’m not 100% convinced it is setup correct this way.

Thanks beforehand


Yes, use just *.

Do not use any dots in the extension list, pure asterisk means “all the files”.

To be completely correct, there’s a bug in the mask parsing - the files with no extension will not be scanned (no matter what you put in the box). However, you can’t do anything about it; it will be fixed in the next update.

Thanks Igor ! thats the answer i was looking for.

You just saved a life :slight_smile: lol


I’m happy to have saved you ;D

Looking back at my answer, it looks a little confusing again; so once more:

Yes, use just *

(The dot after the asterisk was just a dot after a sentence, it shouldn’t be in the “extensions” box :). Oh, well…)

ok, thanks. But i already thought it was just a dot to mark the end of a sentence.

You don’t just walk the walk, but you also talk the talk > Ownage for Igor ! :slight_smile:
