Getting "Error applying firewall rules (exit code 6)"

Sorry if this has been answered before, I searched and couldn’t find any posts specific to the error I’m getting.

I’m on a rooted Android phone (HTC EVO 3D), flashed a custom Android ICS rom, one of the very first apps I downloaded was avast Mobile Security v2.0.2880. Tried to enable the firewall, got the following error:

Error applying firewall rules (exit code 6):
iptables v1.4.10
iptables: Index of insertion too big.

Can anyone shed any light on this for me?

Thanks in advance.

please try to check “take highest priority” in the firewall settings

Almost none of the items on the Firewall page respond to my touch, including the Settings button at the top. I can’t seem to do anything at all except scroll the page up or down. The only things that responds is when I touch in the area of the Enable Firewall box, but that just brings up the same error message I posted in the OP.

hm then you should try to use a working ROM. never heard of this issue before!

Can you try with updated version?

I’m using the latest version. A couple of different roms I’ve tried behave as I’ve described, but several other roms behave fine.

can you get me a link to the ROM which failed?


Sorry for joining the thread I didn’t wanted to start another one since I am getting the exact same error.

I am working with this mod:

Downloaded from here:

after reading about it here:

on the Vodafone 858 Smart (Huawei U8160) device

Thanks in advance for any help / future upgrades etc.



we’ll check if we can install this ROM.

Hi AndrzejL,

we can’t get this ROM running on our available phones.

The ROM you use isn’t a pure cyanogen ROM. The “MADTEAM” obviously modified it with some tweaks that spoil our functionality.
I recommend to consult the ROM Modders and inform them about the problems of their ROM.

Thanks Dude.

It was created for the purposes of Vodafone 858 Smart aka Huawei U8160 device (which is a cheap as chips - circa 20 euros in pay as you go) but You may have some luck with other device too.



Ah You replied while I was replying… That’s my luck exactly… Maybe a virtualboxlike environment would allow you to install the rom?

I guess I will be contacting the madteam about it too then.



I got the same problem on my new lg optimus 4x hd (p-880). i have no custom rom, only root. hope someone finds a solution :S

regards Tom

Well, I’m just figured it I think…
In my rooted phone, I use “SuperSU Pro” and I just give permission in ‘Logging’ access to be ‘Full content’.
Actually accidentally I found it. So please reply here when you get trouble.
Hope this can be usefull. Good luck ;D

I’ve just had this same firewall error:

Error applying firewall rules (exit
code 6):

iptables v1.4.10
iptables: Index of insertion too big.

superuser is on the ROM I installed today
Must have tried twenty to thirty ROMs in the past year all the while using avast! This is the first using almost purely “vanilla” Android. The firewall worked well on the HTC One XL and my current HTC One until today.

I’ve alerted the dev that made this from a dump of the new HTC One Google Experience phone, he knows it could reasonably be from the dump. Have you here at avast! found any common denominators to this issue?

Same problem for me.

ASUS Transformer tf100 Tablet, Android 4.1.2 - Cyanogenmod 10 (10-20130616-NIGHTLY-tf101),
Kernel, running AdAway and AdFree.

Yep, I wanted to use this fresh GE ROM. Being made from someone’s dump instead of a leaked Official 4.2.2 or tenured AOSP variant it’s to be expected I guess. ARHD is a solid ROM, I’ll have to restore it.
:wink: A thread old enough to get a pink WARNING when bumping isn’t going to get any new answer just to suit me.

im new user of avast android and i am facing this issue also, but i think i know the reason behind this issue
i believe the reason is in the android it self … the android which have very strict SElinux which prevents regular user nor outside system apps to make changes on the system partition in the android … now i don’t know about others devices but my device is HTC One with selinux enforced … the only solution is to install by custom recovery
but what does avast want to install and where ?