Getting error message that Kaspersky is running, I dont have Kaspersky!


I have installed Avast on my son’s computer and it works GREAT!!! So, I went ahead and installed it on my computer as well. I have been using eSafe before this, which I uninstalled.

I used to have Kaspersky a year or so back. It is completely uninstalled since then and no registry entries existing as well. But, I keep getting this error message that Kaspersky is running and some of the modules of Avast can not load because of it. Can someone please advise how to rectify the problem?

Thanks for your help. Could you email me the response at


then there is a file or regestry entry left.

sorry i cant email ths to you they dont let me have email here at macworld :wink:

Check for the avpd.sys driver… it must be still loading on your system…

You can safely delete the file if you don’t use Kaspersky anymore…

I checked for avpd.sys as well as all registry entries and could find neither. Please advise.


Then you probably

  • don’t have the latest version of avast (4.1.335), AND
  • have a driver called KLIF.SYS on your system.

KLIF is included in both Kaspersky Antivirus and Kaspersky AntiHacker. avast was checking for it in its previous builds but given its presence in the AntiHacker product, the latest version only checks for AVPD (as described previously)


Avast version I have is Jan2004(4.1.335) and I did have KLIF.sys which I deleted. Pls advise


That’s all there is to do. If you deleted the file, just reboot and you’re all set!

Thanks a Million!!! It works.

With Best Regards