getting popups from avast every 2 min

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 11/4/2014
Scan Time: 10:25:15 AM
Administrator: Yes

Malware Database: v2014.11.04.04
Rootkit Database: v2014.11.01.02
License: Free
Malware Protection: Disabled
Malicious Website Protection: Disabled
Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: isaiah

Scan Type: Threat Scan
Result: Completed
Objects Scanned: 386396
Time Elapsed: 11 min, 49 sec

Memory: Enabled
Startup: Enabled
Filesystem: Enabled
Archives: Enabled
Rootkits: Enabled
Heuristics: Enabled
PUP: Enabled
PUM: Enabled

Processes: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Modules: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys: 3
PUP.Optional.SupTab.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\SUPDP, , [78231521b7c5023406d265cfa95ab947],
PUP.Optional.SearchSnacks, HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\ssnfd, , [f4a788ae5b213afc3c7b91a9996ad22e],
PUP.Optional.IEPluginServices.A, HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\EVENTLOG\APPLICATION\IePluginServices, , [5f3c092d9ce03df909034cde37cc34cc],

Registry Values: 1
PUP.Optional.SupTab.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\SUPDP|dir, C:\Program Files (x86)\SupTab, , [78231521b7c5023406d265cfa95ab947]

Registry Data: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Folders: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Files: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Physical Sectors: 0
(No malicious items detected)


i cant find how to attach the farbar logs

Right under the box where you type “Attachments and other options”, use that to attach the logs.

im sorry i have edited the first post with all required info

You will need to uninstall chrome as it has been changed to developer build. Let me know if this stops it

CAUTION : This fix is only valid for this specific machine, using it on another may break your computer

Open notepad and copy/paste the text in the quotebox below into it:

AppInit_DLLs-x32: C:\PROGRA~2\SupTab\SEARCH~1.DLL => "C:\PROGRA~2\SupTab\SEARCH~1.DLL" File Not Found GroupPolicy: Group Policy on Chrome detected <======= ATTENTION CHR HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google: Policy restriction <======= ATTENTION SearchScopes: HKCU - {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {318A227B-5E9F-45bd-8999-7F8F10CA4CF5} - No File Task: {5C18B320-8A53-4732-A426-8350347E13EF} - System32\Tasks\PC Optimizer Pro Idle => C:\Program Files\PC Optimizer Pro\StartApps.exe <==== ATTENTION Task: {65BBF792-2C49-4913-820F-ED57AFD88D9B} - System32\Tasks\PC Optimizer Pro Updates => C:\Program Files\PC Optimizer Pro\StartApps.exe <==== ATTENTION Task: {6B100F2F-30F9-4A69-98A0-5F14F690CCBB} - System32\Tasks\PC Optimizer Pro Scan => C:\StartApps.exe <==== ATTENTION Task: {94AD3730-A380-450B-BC58-1B57E11F6150} - System32\Tasks\SuperFastPC_AutorunOnStartup => C:\Program Files (x86)\System Optimizer Pro\SystemOptimizerPro.exe <==== ATTENTION Task: {AD7CFA0E-65C3-4069-B04C-9EFCBFA445AB} - System32\Tasks\PC Optimizer Pro startups => C:\Program Files\PC Optimizer Pro\StartApps.exe <==== ATTENTION C:\Program Files (x86)\System Optimizer Pro EmptyTemp: CMD: bitsadmin /reset /allusers

Save this as fixlist.txt, in the same location as FRST.exe
Run FRST and press Fix
On completion a log will be generated please post that


Please download AdwCleaner by Xplode onto your desktop.

[*]Close all open programs and internet browsers.
[*]Double click on AdwCleaner.exe to run the tool.
[*]Click on Scan.
[*]After the scan is complete click on “Clean”
[*]Confirm each time with Ok.
[*]Your computer will be rebooted automatically. A text file will open after the restart.
[*]Please post the content of that logfile with your next answer.
[*]You can find the logfile at C:\AdwCleaner[S1].txt as well.

it is labled as AdwCleaner[S0].txt i think this is the right one

Have the alerts ceased ?

Yes they have thank you all very much

If all is well tomorrow let me know and I will tidy up

Ok thanks I will