After happily using Avast’s free version for several years, I upgraded to Pro this month. I really hate the splash screen that appears on my desktop at Startup to display Avast’s current status. I can’t find any Help information on how to STOP this intrusive screen. I’m serious; if I can’t configure to program to do its thing in the task bar as the free version did, I’m going to uninstall and return to the free version. I won’t be happy about this.
I never saw any splash screen…
Are you seeing the interface (is avastui.exe referenced twice in your startup items?).
Whenever I restart Windows, I get a large, intrusive screen giving me Avast’s current status, along with a left menu of Avast program areas I can click. I have to manually close the large screen to get it off my desktop. In the free version, the little circle twirls in the task bar while it’s initializing and bringing its shields up; then, it stops moving. There is NO annoying screen filling up my desktop. I don’t want to see this “splash” screen every time I restart Windows. I can’t find any way under Preferences to make it go away. Of course, I still want Avast to startup, just not bother me with a large screen telling me that it is running. This doesn’t seem to much to ask.
can you post a screen shot of it
It is the avastUI and as Tech suggested this is most likely caused by having two entries for the avastUI in the msconfig, startup section.
There is NO annoying splash screen NEITHER in free NOR in the paid version.
You have two avastui.exe entries (maybe a link and a registry key).
You can use msconfig or Autoruns to get rid of the link one.
Nobody wants. It’s NOT there.
Maybe you have any startup manager program running (like StartupDelayer) and it made two avast entries.