Getting the daily digest in Spanish?

Preferred language in my account settings is English.

Still, I’ve just got a daily digest email in Spanish…

“Avast WEBforum - Resumo diário”
“Abaixo está um resumo de toda atividade nos fóruns e tópicos assinados do Avast WEBforum hoje. Para cancelar a assinatura, por favor clique no link abaixo.”

Hi 1234ava. Welcome to the forums.

That is Português. Other members have reported similar behavior. Odd, I have my Avast set to switch between Spanish and English because of my help in both forums, but I always get alerts and notifications in the language that Avast is running at the moment, and I have never got any mail from Avast either, none whatsoever.

Oops! It’s Portuguese, not Spanish, sorry! :-[

I guess I am getting the emails because I ticked the check box in Notification settings:
“When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don’t reply to these emails.)”

Thanks for the welcome!