Getting UpDates

??? ???
I have been through lots in the help files and this forum, found nothing that seems to help.
when running the update i get a box (avast antivirus setup)
with a red cross and view log button and a note that says The parameter is incorrect. below is the error part of the log any idears anyone. ??? ???

20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: Started: 20.08.2004, 20:35:22
20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: Running setup_av_pro-1a2 (418)
20.08.2004 20:35:22 system: Windows Net User: PEST\Ron
20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /silent /progress
20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: Old version: 1a2 (418)
20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: Old version: 1a2 (418)
20.08.2004 20:35:22 general: GUID: 37053e53-2c13-4bcb-a8c0-d9953c766149
20.08.2004 20:35:23 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:23 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:24 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:26 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:28 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:30 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:32 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:34 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:36 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:38 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:40 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:42 package: ERROR:GetInetFile, CreateFile( “C:\Documents and Settings\Ron\Local Settings\Temp;c:\cygwin\\dld1.tmp”) returned 0x00000057
20.08.2004 20:35:42 general: SelectCurrent: unable to find any suitable server in ‘main’
20.08.2004 20:35:42 internet: tried 8 servers to get file ‘servers.def’, but failed (0x00000057)
20.08.2004 20:35:42 package: Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 0x00000057.
20.08.2004 20:35:42 general: Err:The parameter is incorrect.

Help us to help you.

What version of Avast?
What vps version?
What os?
Any other problems on your system?
Running a firewall?
Any other security software running/installed?
On a network? If so how is the setup and where in the nw is your system located?
Already uninstalled Avast with the unisntall util and reinstalled it?
When did this start to happen?
Is your key still valid?
etc etc etc.

Heh, look at the path. It has two paths merged together, divided by the semicolon.

Go to Control Panel/System, find settings for environment variables and check the setting for TEMP or TMP variable - they will be wrong - put there only the first part (the one in Ron/Local Settings) and you’ll be fine.

This should help: