give some opinion about zone alarm free firewall

hi guys after had problem with new comodo firewall, i search for different firewall as temporary firewall, and now i using zone alarm, can you give some opinion about this firewall, is it good with avast? i think if comodo already stable i will back to comodo ;D

ZoneAlarm Free is the perfect companion to avast! 5 Free. :slight_smile:

Perfect for you in your opinion, there are many that will say differently.

You’ll get many opinions in the following forum thread:

+1 :wink:
Btw, also consider this:

OMG zonealarm did that?? so what other good firewall can i use ::slight_smile:

exactly, if you want to have fun troubleshooting your system because it doesn’t run how it use to, just install ZoneAlarm >>> then do yourself a favor, uninstall it ;D

ps: adding that the interface of ZA is old and bad.

Another reason to keep away from ZA. Just pushing the paid version too much…

True Tech, and it seems their users think similar…! ;D

yeah, just wanted to mention that too, these are just, as I already mentioned in the security warnings thread, rogue-like methods >>> except they don’t block your system…yet ;D

shame! :smiley:

I quit using Zone Alarm years ago when they began to bloat it up. At that time it was also a pain to network. I’ve got Comodo firewall only on 2 XP SP3 and 2 Windows 7 64 bit units and have no problems.