You could take out a large loan for repayment in November and sue the ass of the Preacher if you have to pay it back.
PS: Did anyone recognise, that these 'end of the world' msgs are always made by some very very old guys..!!!??so what he rely mean is his end ;D
But I would send him to a place, where he can get some help, tbh.
I say Harold Camping has been reading the same bible for many years and far to long that driving him nuts and he couldn’t even give us a straight answer nothing but a pack of filthy lies, unless we wait until we reach 21-12-2012 then we know the real truth 8)
I’ll be dead drunk before I reach that date, and than I wake up until 22-12-2012 before I say where the hell am I :o
I’ll be dead drunk before I reach that date, and than I wake up until 22-12-2012 before I say where the hell am I :o
Hope not on every day till this date. ;D
well here we go again…it was just a small computing error (syntax error maybe) ;D
Preacher says world will actually end in October
I saw that in this morning’s Yahoo news too. Maybe, considering this is now the second time he’s claimed miscalculation, he should be required to go back to school and brush up on his math before he’s (and his followers are) permitted any more media publicity.
(Edit, after-thought) Of course, as others have suggested, there’s some possibility he’ll reach his personal end before that, and (hopefully) that’ll be the end of that.
I’m not too concerned about 2012, either. It sounds like most real experts on the Mayas agree that they never foretold the disastrous end of the world, simply that their calendar would “roll over” back to zero. And quite possibly someone might come up with a new, higher-order, cycle-multiplier to add to their calendar system, so it doesn’t even roll over, just adds 1 to the new multiplier.
I think I died and was sent to Earth. ;D