Glitch in Statistics GUI

When I open the Statistics window and look at the realtime data, and I see the File System Shield and Web Shield working, I’ve noticed (probably since the last program update) that the bars with the numbers of item scanned don’t move.

When I switch tabs or close and reopen, they move to the appropriate number, but they don’t move as the shields are working like they used to. Anyone else notice this?

Version 8.0 Statistics window kept count in real-time, but no real-time counting in ever seen version 9.0 or 10.0.

You are right, opening Statistics will show one set of numbers, and closing it and then re-opening will show a higher set of numbers, but the numbers do not change while the window is open in either case.

what version of avast are you using? any picthure of this glitch?

Find attached real-time stats in Statistics Window.

Does not matter if tabs are switched, real-time count remains the same until the window is closed and restarted. Same exact issue in the new Statistics window. AIS version 8.0 worked as it should, AIS versions 9.0 and 10.0 do not. Update count in real time remains the same for both. Real-time scanning is active and shows such in second window attachment.

AIS real-time scanning is enabled and works.

Reported to Moderators for Avast’s attention. :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

What mchain described above is exactly what I see as well.

Latest software update does not fix the issue

I noticed this a couple of updates ago, i just didn’t think anything major of it.