Glitch in ver.1203

Just updated to ver.1203 a couple days ago,and all seemed well until I wanted to disable “Enable self-defense module” under settings>trouble shooting for a few brief moments…upon un-ticking the computer FROZE…and I had to do a hard re-boot…After the re-start,the program showed it was “un-ticked”…I then enabled it again,and tried it again…same thing again…machine froze…
I never,ever had this problem before with any of the other Avast versions…
Anyone else seen or having this problem…and what is the Fix??

Win XP sp3 Home
FFx 5.0

It seems, there’s a problem with switching from the default desktop to the secured one (to confirm that you really want to switch this option off). Interesting, we’ll investigate this.

btw, if you wait for 60-90sec, does your computer unfreeze? thanks.

When this happened for the first time I initially left it for over 2-3 mins. and it never “unfroze”…again after rebooting and trying it,the same thing happened…a BIG freeze… :frowning:
Is there any resolve for this…


Any updates on this bug? Has anyone else been able to reproduce it?
