Global URL exclusion not functioning:

We are having what we believe is a false positive for the URL:

I has tried many different combinations, and cannot get past this issue:*

This is the Miracle League of Arkansas baseball website. It is an organization that provides disabled children to play baseball regardless of ability.

I have to believe this is a false positive – I used multiple online services to scan the website and they all come back clean.

Why does URL exclusion not function? It is added to global URL, Global file, and web shield exclusions, and is still blocked. This is my normal procedure to get around a false positive, that has been submitted to the virus lab. Any suggestions?


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”

I see the support here is non-existent. I’m having the same issue, can’t find anything but unanswered questions dating back up to 3 years of people wondering why the URL exclusion NEVER works. I’ve added a URL every possible way you can think of, and I still have to disable Avast in order to access it. I suppose they’ll just ignore it for another 3 years though.

Topics generally get a response pretty quickly, but I guess you weren’t looking for responses like that.

The problem with old topics/posts is they relate to very old versions not to mention old virus definitions.

In this case it would appear that avast took corrective action in the VPS as A) the site is accessible, B) the OP didn’t come back with a follow up or bump.

If you are having issues with Global exclusions, then I suggest that you create your own new topic giving more details on the problem, including what OS and avast version you are using.

avast is currently not blocking the website.

So what is your question/problem chickenthr33 ?

The point is that it seems like Avast had to fix it on their end in order for this website to be accessed since their exclusions NEVER work, and they didn’t actually respond to the support request and fix it… and still the web exclusions do not work, so it shouldn’t really matter what version this was posted about, cuz they never fixed it regardless.

I have added a site every which way you can possibly spell it, with wildcards and without and I still have to completely disable Avast in order to access it. This website is not wholesome family fun so I do not want to post the URL here, but would like to know the big secret in getting this to work if in fact you are claiming Avast fixed this. I can PM you the URL if that would help but I don’t see why it should matter, not sure how I can test any other blocked site since I don’t know of any.

P.S. this has been going on for over a year for me, I’m finally fed up disabling it for the millionth time just to get to this one url.

The exclusion settings do work.
To me it seems either you have not properly set the exclusion(s) or the avast version you have installed is corrupted.
How did you set the exclusion(s) and where ?

I have tried the exclusions in both Web Shield Settings - Exclusions and in General settings - Exclusions - Urls. I’m not sure what else I can do.

I have tried the following url variations with none of them fixing it***

Also this has been going on for over a year now, with 2 windows installations and an upgrade to Windows 10, I don’t think it’s a corrupt installation.

Please post a screenshot of the detection toaster.

@ chickenthr33 & igor

No alert here on that site.

It is for another website.
See the OP’s first post.
And there is also this :

This website is not wholesome family fun so I do not want to post the URL here

He can always use Customer Support to report the problem:

Eddy - chickenthr33 is not the OP and this is continuing a two year old topic.
But there is little point in giving exclusion examples that can’t be tested.

But simply testing the -* domain in the Global Exclusions URLs tab the site isn’t displayed it seems to hang. If I enter the -* in the Web Shield exclusions then the page displays. But is it a bit pointless testing a good site to prove or disprove an exclusion works.

I mean I’m sorry I opened an old thread (that never received a response), I just felt it was the same problem, and without mentioning a site that I’m sure I will get nothing but flak for posting here I was hoping somebody would know what the problem is. At this point I don’t care anymore, I’m posting a screenshot of my exclusions, if you want to test it I assure you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this website assuming you have adblockplus or Ublock Origin and don’t click random ads.

The problem appears to be that with the URL:Mal notification is that either the domain or IP address is on a banned list (not because of its content).

Having set a global exclusion, stopped and restarted the web shield, I got to the site without an alert, but come across other issues unrelated to avast.

This domain redirects to another one (attached image2), so it looks like there are more issues than simply avast (image3), the site looks like it is shut down.

Could you tell me exactly which URL you added because I don’t see any change even if I add both domains (ifirstrowus and ifirstrow) to BOTH exclusion lists (why is there even 2 URL exclusion lists int he first place?). Also I don’t have any issue with that redirect you are getting as soon as I disable Avast. (that’s your ISP or browser censoring you).

Its in my first image of the alert with an * after the url.

It isn’t my browser censoring me the redirection notice (image 2) is from the RequestPolicy add-on about blocking 3rd party XSS unless I allow it, which I did and that is when the is displayed.

That in itself isn’t the issue, if my exclusion wasn’t in place I wouldn’t have even got that far, I would simply have got the avast alert (as in image 1) again. So for me that exclusion had to have worked.

That certainly isn’t the issue, to start with this is just where courtorders for banned sites/content are redirected to show what is banned and by whom. Interestingly I didn’t get anything from WOT when it was redirected.

Can’t see how this would be considered a scam, they aren’t selling anything (probably some pi**ed people not liking the court-order ban. There isn’t any customer experience, just a listing of the court-order by whom and on what site/s.

I got this in the email notification to this topic in the avast forum.

Well then mine certainly isn’t working because I added that and every possible variation I could think of (for both domains). I never receive ANY avast alert, it simply refuses to load the page.

Whenever Avast is on I get this in Firefox:

The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

Turn off avast, it loads immediately.

And in Chrome: This webpage is not available