Good advice in three magic words - stop - think - click

Hi malware fighters,

Read about it:


It basically points out that common sense is still a key ingredient in computer security.
Something that most of us have been preaching for years.
The only one who can prevent you from clicking on that link, is you.

Hi bob3160,

This seemed such an evident issue, that I felt the urge to give the link to it here, and good you agreed…


I also agree 100%… :wink:
Most of us, active in this or similar forums know that golden rule.
The problem is more than 95% of the users out there aren’t aware of how easy they could get infected. :frowning:
Or worse, don’t even care about it…

Hi asyn,

That is true, because browser users when on a page never think in these categories:
CF Score: 87
javascript: links: 0
Inline styles: 67
Inline events: 20
onclick: 10
onsubmit: 1
onchange: 1
onmouseout: 4
onmouseover: 4

So we have to tell him in another way,


I never stop trying… :wink:

Many think they wont get infected just by clicking something.
my classmates do!
