i have thought for a while how good was AVAST protecting my desktop. I have Trend Micro IS 2008 in my laptop and a virus was found in a usb. TREND was fully updated and it could not clean the virus it said that this will be finnished at the next update. so i waited one day and tried to clean the usb and nothing happened. It says the same thing. So i scanned the usb with AVAST 4.8 not updated in two days and there it goes clean and safe. Rescaned with TMis and it is clean. goood job avast
very happy to have it clean again
It could be a Trend Micro false positive.
It could be a lack of detection from avast.
Maybe you can use Kaspersky on-line scanning to check it out
No it was a very clear thing avast did it but trend was not able. rechecked with avg.the same results,so avast is ok
Ok. You rule. Glad that avast detection was better than the others.