Good linux for this system?

Amd athlon xp 1500 - 1 ghz
1gb of ram
128mb radeon 9250 ati
80gb hdd
cnet modem

well, yes, you should run it without any problem, but, it can be various depending on the programs that you run inside your version of linux, also, still depending on the your version of Linux you may have different experience…

For example: openoffice, opera, avast, multimedia converter,player, pdf reader, burning tools. linux ver. for example. opensuse! for home basic works!

just for convert tools, you should be patient with this CPU, if you don’t decide to run all of those programs in same time (multi-tasking) it’s ok :wink:

You could run almost any Linux distribution with your set-up. Here’s a couple of sources on various Linux distros, to get you started:

If you see anything interesting, download a Live CD of the distro, and run it in your computer to see if there are any hardware incompatibilities (the Live CD won’t change anything on your computer). When you find one that you like, the Live CD will have the option to install it, either as your only OS, or as a dual boot with your current one.

Have fun…



Screenshots of the various distributions are here: