Good sites for urban-legends info?

A friend of mine isn’t particularly computer literate, and on top of that she’s going through a messy divorce plus, like me, she’s a brain-injury survivor. So she doesn’t have the know-how or mental energy to keep up with “things” making the rounds. She sent me an “urgent” copy of one I hadn’t seen in ages, that one about MS paying you if you sent so many emails.

I know there are several good sites which catalog and warn about such urban legends, but they escape me at the moment (i.e., probably in this lifetime :wink: ). How about giving me a couple of good addys I can pass along to her so she can check out things she gets or hears about? Many thanks.


I also recommend

It’s a very informative site.

Yep … Snopes is the best of it’s type. I’ve used it for many years.

Also for various virus alerts/myths, etc. bearing in mind your comment.

She sent me an "urgent" copy of one I hadn't seen in ages, that one about MS paying you if you sent so many emails.

Thanks, crew. :slight_smile: I’ve now bookmarked Snopes so my computer will remember it even if I can’t.

I hadn’t been there in ages, took a fresh look last night and had totally forgotten how much is there that doesn’t even remotely relate to computers or even scams and frauds of any kind - real “folklore”.

(Edit, a P.S.) I was happy to see there’s a clear link to the specific one I mentioned right on their home page, so she doesn’t even have to hunt for it.

Snopes is a good find.

I liked :slight_smile:

Wow what a fab site, kept me busy for hours lol