I just noticed that Google Analytics Service is now running as a second process within AMS. This basically doubles the CPU usage for AMS with both processes running. Is this new for AMS or has this been running for awhile now and I just didn’t notice it? Does Google Analytics run through Google Play services? Any other info about what’s going on?
what do you mean “runs as a second process within AMS”? Can you tell me more details? Screenshots ?
Sorry, no screen shot as I don’t have that ability on my phone.
Under AMS in the Manage Apps>Running Apps section, I have 2 processes and 6 services listed as running. The 6 services are FileShield, MessageScanner, normal Avast services etc.
Under Processes in AMS there is “Avast Mobile Security com.avast.android.mobilesecurity” and right below that is “Google Play Services com.google.android.gms Service Google Analytics Services is in use”. The Avast logo next to AMS and the multi-colored puzzle tile logo next to Google.
I just noticed this yesterday on multiple devices.
If you run Android 4 and up, Long press of the power button might do a screen shot. Or take a sharp picture with your camera.
I do know for a fact that there’s a connection or attempted connection to goodle analytics whenever avast goes out for updates. True on a tablet. True on a PC. But I, too, would need to see real evidence that avast service is doing it all the time.
When I look at avast both under the normal Android Settings > apps no extra service is there.
When I look at apps and details in the GUI of AMS, no non-avast service is there.
Yes, google play service and all those other 6 google things are listed, but they are separate entries, not belonging to avast at all.
cooby is right. Its not related.
I’m not sure what you mean by “it’s not related”. I’ve got pics of multiple phones showing that Google Analytics is running constantly as a second process in AMS. It’s an extra 9.8 MB running alongside AMS at 9.4 MB so there is a doubling of CPU usage. If AMS was running at around 10 MB with one process (just AMS) and six services and now it runs at around 19-20 MB with two processes (AMS and Google Analytics), how is this not related?
show me that pic!
Even compressed, images were to large to upload to forum. Emailed pics to email address in your profile page.
Thanks for your pic
a) the service you refer too is not Google Analytics but Google Play Services (which is used by nearly every app that integrates to Google). Google Play Services is running all the time on your phone, as it is the main Google framework. It is not running WITHIN avast but is just USED by it
b) Google Analytics is also a service on your phone. And yes avast USES it (same as above)
I understand that there are all kinds of Google services running all the time, what I didn’t understand is why I just noticed that it showed up under processes in AMS as shown in the picture I sent. As I mentioned, AMS now runs about double the CPU usage (AMS plus Google). I haven’t seen any other apps show similar behavior by looking into the running list of apps which is why I questioned it. In other words, no other apps show Google Play as a secondary process, but I assume that this is because they are not using Analytics like Avast does.
I guess the bottom line is that you’ve seen the pic of the Google process I was describing, and if you’re telling me that it looks fine to you and that AMS doubling of CPU usage from about 10 to now 20 MB is normal, then you’ve answered my question.
Thanks for the clarification and assistance. I’ve recommended AMS to several people and a couple of them had the same question so I thought it was worthwhile looking into.
i never saw such thing as well, maybe its your android version showing this. we are not reliable for how many MB Google uses, as it uses the mem anyways, if we run or not. PS: MB is never CPU but memory usage