Google chrome cache file detected by MBAM

MBAM detected a cache file labeled as (HackTool.Agent.Gen) I let malwarebytes remove the cache file virus… I am wondering do you have the file that is labeled as f_000339 in C:\Users~Usernamehere~\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\ ? should I restore the file and report it to avast as a virus so avast can detect it?

I find that the file is worth uploading to …will be interesting to see what will be the results ::slight_smile: i searched my own chrome cache dont find any such file even scanned the cache folder comes up clean…also better if sent to avast virus lab for analysis :wink:

Virustotal says 4/43 antiviruses detects this file

Also that is weird! It says Multiples of 12 and that was on my old weebly site… maybe i should remove this file see pic for the info virustotal gave about the file

Interesting…Hi sent the file to avast! virus lab via chest. :wink: also quarantine the file with MBAM.It seems to be the file is in someway related to Redirector type trojan.

Anyway,it would be better to send it to avast via chest…all other AV’s wil get the sample from VT at the end of every week.

The file is on hxxp:// Multiples of 12 is the file name. i own that weebly site and well i haven’t updated for a very long time… I’m going to turn it into a blog soon after a url change of the subdomain…

Please send the file to avast via the chest for analysis i would personally like that detected by avast. :slight_smile:

I just tried to make a new reply and the forum wouldn’t load… but here is the reply again

Google chrome says Multiples_of_12.exe appears malicious.. avast detected it with filerep which i told avast to avoid the download for me so i couldn't download it so i just disabled avast and downloaded the exe and I'm going to submit this file to avast through virus chest..

Thats good…atleast filerep is in action here…though since the file is sent to avast it should be detected soon…keep your fingers crossed. :wink:

Best wishes from sunny india.

Sometimes I wonder if avast gets the files I submit to them through the virus chest.

Well if u doubt it…u better password protect the file and send the file to :wink:

I scanned the exe with Anubis here is the report

I scanned it to see what Anubis says about the exe.

guessing False Positive

First seen by VirusTotal 2011-07-05 15:38:14 UTC ( 7 months, 3 weeks ago )

if you are curious…you may upload to Avira lab and see what they say?

I’m going to do just that.

Do you know where ?

if not it is here

and if you want to double check Sophos here usually quick to respond