If you don’t stop trying to force me to install Google Chrome, I’m done with you. Stop giving me popups about installing it even when I have popups disabled in settings.
Might you be able to do a screen shot of the next popup? Would appreciate the help in understanding what sort of popup you are seeing.
Thank you.
Wait a moment. I forget. Are new folks here able to attach images?
Thank you, Asyn.
You’re welcome.
If you don’t stop trying to force me to install Google Chrome, I’m done with you. Stop giving me popups about installing it even when I have popups disabled in settings.
You aren’t being forced to install chrome. It’s a suggestion that you can refuse.
See if this helps:
Google Chrome is the safest and fastest browser around. Like bob said “Its a suggestion”. No one is forcing anything on you. Be happy the Avast team is looking out for everyone and trying to make them aware of Google Chrome.
Get real, folks!
It’s not that they are trying to offer some advice about a browser. Not at all. Not even close!!
What it is is that Google, Inc. forces Avast to do the opt-out style, instead of the opt-in.
Don’t feed BS to people, okay? We know you folks aren’t that stupid.
This is the heavy hand of one man – Larry Page!!! Plain and simple.
And that idea that Chrome is the safest is also BS. The information Google, Inc. is stuffing into their data files that they collect from those that use Chrome should be illegal.
But as the United States government is also storing data and much of it with the help of Google, Inc. it will be a cold day in hell when any United States lawmaker will clamp down on all this data collecting.
So who can we turn to to protect us from all this?
Get real, folks!
It’s not that they are trying to offer some advice about a browser. Not at all. Not even close!!
What it is is that Google, Inc. forces Avast to do the opt-out style, instead of the opt-in.
Don’t feed BS to people, okay? We know you folks aren’t that stupid.
This is the heavy hand of one man – Larry Page!!! Plain and simple.
And that idea that Chrome is the safest is also BS. The information Google, Inc. is stuffing into their data files that they collect from those that use Chrome should be illegal.
But as the United States government is also storing data and much of it with the help of Google, Inc. it will be a cold day in hell when any United States lawmaker will clamp down on all this data collecting.
So who can we turn to to protect us from all this?
Do your research my friend. Chrome with its add ons and sandbox is by far the safest and fastest browser around.
@ ManyQs,
Your preaching not helping.
Do your research my friend. Chrome with its add ons and sandbox is by far the safest and fastest browser around.
William8004 asked a question.
Please stick to answering his remarks. (Personal opinions aren’t helpful.)
@ ManyQs,
Your preaching not helping.
Yes, you might be right, but who is trying to help who(m)?
Anyway, we’re waiting for the return of the OP, so while we wait and as long as others are going to … you know, do that.
You certainly will like the contents on this site. The translation into English is here:
“I have nothing to hide” is the excuse that will provide some with the pre-text to give up their online privacy alltogether,
Thank you for posting that link, polonus.
You know, I always have in my head something that took place a few years ago. Some CEO or president of some hotshot tech company was saying something about there being no more privacy in the world and folks should just get over it and it popped into my mind whether that fella would have a bank account and if he did if he had posted the account number and password and all that because there wasn’t any privacy anyway.
It’s funny how all these folks that make money from taking away our privacy still try to have some privacy of their own even while they are doing like that rich fella and extolling the benefits of us giving away our privacy, but they keep all their money privately stashed away in some bank that must have assured them that their money is safe because of all the safeguards of their private PINs and all that. Ironic, isn’t it? There’s no privacy for you, but don’t touch my money.
The day when there really isn’t a thing called privacy in the world will truly be a remarkable day in the history of the human race, because on that day we will all truly be equal.
The way I see it, the only reason these hotshot tech companies want to take away my privacy is because they want to make some money at my expense. And they are succeeding and the reason they are succeeding is because the lawmakers twenty years ago weren’t paying attention and now it’s too late.
Well, that is until there is that really, really massive solar flare that wipes out the Internet as we know it and Dr. Neumann gets his wish and we start all over again.
You folks do know about Dr. Peter G. Neumann, don’t you?
Please don’t go totally into outer space.
This post wasn’t started for you to go into your personal philosophy.
Hi bob3160,
Well at least now we know what position ManyQs holds and what her favourite hobby horse is. So much for clarity and as I said before on other occasions and in other threads where she reacted I think avast is not the right platform to ride this hobby horse of hers,
This isn’t ManyQ’s thread.
Please don’t go totally into outer space.
This post wasn’t started for you to go into your personal philosophy.
Thanks bob. Well said!
Please don’t go totally into outer space.
This post wasn’t started for you to go into your personal philosophy.
Amen to that.
It would appear that personal attacks are quite okay in this thread. And given the members that are conducting such personal attacks, it must be okay anywhere in/on this forum, right? I was not aware of that little detail about this forum. Thank you for educating me. I’ll see if I can be like you folks and cast aspersions upon a member’s character when I don’t like what someone posts.
But now I suppose you all will have some way to state that indicating someone’s post is “totally into outer space” is not cruel, or mean, or nasty. That is just kind and understanding English.
Oh yes, and a response to one post about how safe Chrome is then makes me so off-topic it is worthy of a warning from one of you elite folks. Then a response to a link about privacy is then worthy of another warning about it not being my thread, thus meaning off-topic. No such barbs aimed at the other two members. Only me. Yes, that’s very nice and fair and reasonable.
The funny thing is the OP is actually complaining about an Avast company policy related to a Google, Inc. product and is not asking any questions. I was the first to ask a question. I was not the first to start into opinions about the Google product the OP clearly doesn’t want.
Oh, and I must remember that with the elite on this site privacy is a bygone notion and expounding upon its value is only worthy of scorn.
Yes, at least we now know, as one of you wrote.
But it’s odd that casting barbs at me is okay, but nobody disputed that the opt-out instead of the opt-in at this company is mandated by Google, Inc. You can’t cast doubt upon that statement so you will just shoot the messenger. Yep, we know that technique. It’s become quite common these days. Unlike me you folks are in tune with the times. Be nasty. It’s acceptable now.
And being in outer space is weird English. Where is inner space? Space is space, my friend. But you knew that, right?
And I decided you might wish to see how far out into space I am:
The chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems said Monday that consumer privacy issues are a "red herring." "You have zero privacy anyway," Scott McNealy told a group of reporters and analysts Monday night at an event to launch his company's new Jini technology.“Get over it.”
McNealy’s comments came only hours after competitor Intel (INTC) reversed course under pressure and disabled identification features in its forthcoming Pentium III chip.
… … … truncated … … …
I apologize, because the comments were made much longer ago than I had remembered. More than ten years ago. But us folks that are not in touch with reality on this planet tend to lose track of time. Sorry about that.
EDIT to fix punctuation.