Google drive settings

Hi, Can anyone in the forum help me at this?
When i use the item " Google drive settings" to “my avast”, and after clicking preconfigure, I receive a message as described at link (, and this process does not complete even when I click “accept” button. Can any one suggest how can this be fixed? Why, do I receive again the option to preconfigure after I click accept button? Should I change any setting at my Google settings too?

It is working without a problem for me.
If you see the reconfigure option, it is working.
It is entirely up to you if you want to change settings or not.

Hi Eddy, thank you for replying. Could you help me how me, also, to check if it works for me too. besides the problem that it asks me to click accept and bring the screen to reconfigure?
Please note that my Google drive only works when I attach a file which is contained in my Google drive when I use mobile app gmail and is not recognized in another email mobile app. I hadn’t this problem before with my other email up before I install avast premium.