A rise in fake antivirus offerings on Web sites around the globe shows that scammers are increasingly turning to social engineering to get malware on computers rather than exploiting holes in software, a Google study to be released on Tuesday indicates
Hi malware fighters,
These Fake AV peddlers
use search engine optimization techniques, such as exploiting search engine indexing algorithms, link farming keyword stuffing and cloaking.“In most cases, rogue AV peddlers have automated the SEO poisoning process for speed of response,” he said. “They seem to pull terms from search engines and feed that data into their network of compromised Web sites. The compromised sites are in fact just ordinary Web sites run by regular people, but which unbeknownst to them, have been compromised with malware. This malware lies below the surface and only shows its head to people that have been referred to the site from the poisoned search engine result, specifically as a result of using a hot trend key word.”
So the criminal malcreants are using all the tricks in the book, surprisingly so manu unaware still fall for their tricks,