Google releases public DNS


Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider.

I’m using it right now with no problems.


Will it filter anything like OpenDNS or it’s just a DNS service?

haven’t tested any filtering thing. in the site it says it blocks malicious sites. don’t know about custom filtering. they have just started… lets see where it goes…


Google Public DNS is still immature. I am using it now.

How can you believe in the largest ad based company? :-X

“Google claims that this service is better because it has no ads or redirection. But you have to remember they are also the largest advertising and redirection company on the Internet,”

“To think that Google’s DNS service is for the benefit of the Internet would be naive. They know there is value in controlling more of your Internet experience and I would expect them to explore that fully.”

Good point.

Time will tell… I’m testing it now. :slight_smile:

I see this as a win, win situation for the public.
Both openDNS and Google will try to be the best and we’ll get the benefit. :slight_smile:

serves better than opendns.

Americans and Europeans benefit the most because OpenDns and Google have servers there but not in the middle east where i live ;D

So, you guys will have much faster response rate compared with people living here.

update : A Look At the Safety of Google Public DNS

Now Metasploit founder and CSO at Rapid7, H D Moore, investigates how well-protected Google's service is against the Kaminsky DNS flaw. Moore has put together a mapping of Google's source port distribution on the Public DNS service. In his view, it looks like the source ports are sufficiently random, even though..

via slashdot :


Simple solution would be for you to move. ;D

think I could actually read your last post before you posted it :o 8)

I am not wrong. ;D

I meant that the time taken for the website name to be translated into an IP address is faster for people who live near these servers compared with those who live away from it if you are using OpenDNS

Resolution or ping time- whatever you call it

Here you can see the Map of server locations of OpenDns ;D

What do you guys think about