Google Search Virus (Malicious URL Blocked) Help Me!!!

Just the other day, I started having a weird avast! “Virus Notice” (the red box that pops up when you have an invading virus). Every time I search on Google, it pops up. If I click on a site suggestion after I search, it does not, and if I press “back”, as in to go back to the ggogle search results page, it does not pop up. Only when I search something new. I tried running avast several times, and ran even Malwarebytes and Search and Destroy. Nothing came up on any of them. My dad doesn’t know what’s going on, and he’s had avast! for 6 years. He thinks it’s a Trojan, but I can’t be sure. I need to have this fixed as soon as possible. The computer is a laptop, and it’s my “gaming” computer… and I’m getting tried of not being able to use it. Dad won’t let me get on it because of the virus. He’s afraid it might spread through network, or try to hack my passwords. Please help. Thanks in advance!!! :slight_smile:

See the sticky post at top in this forum section
“logs to assist in cleaning malware”

Follow it and attach adwcleaner / malwarebytes / otl / aswmbr logs

then help will arrive later today …be patient

How do I know that these programs will get it off my computer??

They will not. They will generate several reports which you will attach ( Do not Copy/Paste ) here in this topic. Those reports will be studied by a malware specialist remover who will tell you what to do next.